Saturday, May 15, 2010

成都之杜甫草堂博物馆 Chengdu - Du Fu Thatched Cottage Museum (May 2010)


杜甫草堂(成都杜甫草堂博物馆)位于四川成都市西门外的浣花溪畔,是中国唐代伟大现实主义诗人杜甫流寓成都时的故居。公元759年冬天,杜甫为避“安史之乱”,携家入,在成都营建茅屋而居,称“成都草堂”。 杜甫先后在此居住近四年,创作诗歌流传至今的有240余首。其中的《闻官军收河南河北》现已成为不少地区学生必学课。草堂故居被视为中国文学史上的“圣地”。
From 百度百科

Located by the Blossom Bathing Brook, Du Fu Thatched Cottage is well know as the former residence of Du Fu, The sage poet of the Tang Dynasty, during his stay in Chengdu. In the winter of the year 759, Du Fu fled into Sichun to be away from the An Shi Rebellion. He set up a straw-roofed house named "Chengdu Thatched Cottage", where he lifed for about four years and composed more than 240 peoms that are still popular today. On the original site, the cottage had been renovated all thru the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasty. It has been the shrine to Chengdu literature.

那是一个风和日丽的中午, 听了同事的介绍, 兴冲冲的步向杜甫草堂博物馆. 这是来成都必须参观的景点之一.

当我一步一步的走向杜甫草堂博物馆时, 我不自觉的停下我的脚步. 欣赏那些在诗,竹,花 的瓷砖; 这是不常看到的东西. 在还没达到目的地, 已经有点走入明代的时光. 当然, 我也不忘拍下那特别的照片.

On the way to the museum, there are poems, bamboo, flower, etc on the tiles on the way to the museum. I really feel that I am stepping to “Ming Dynasty”.

走完那些特别的瓷砖之后, 不知不觉中就达到草堂了. 一路上,景色迷人,鸟语花香,不知不觉中,沉醉其中

The view in Thatched is so pretty, which I totally enjoy the view.

走着走着, 就到了杜甫故居,看着摆置幻想当时的情景,似步入古代。

While enjoying the view, I arrived Du Fu Thatched.

Watching on the arrangment, I imagine how was the old day life style.

Master Du Fu statue

Master Du Fu posthumous work :

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Malaysian in Singapore (part 1 – hotel check in)

It was about 2 years + I did not enter Singapore. However, the hotel check in was an un-pleasant experience.
I admit I was early when I arrive; about 1pm. There was no room available & asked me to come back later. However, the front desk lady arranged for check in procedure & informed the room no.
I back to hotel about 2.15pm since check in time is 2pm. The front desk lady promised check on room availability but missing in action after communicated. After 15 minutes without any information; I check with another front desk guy. The reply was needed another 15 minutes as the room still under cleaning AND he told me that check in time is 2pm. I was mad since it was 2.30pm, what was him talking about check in time is 2pm. He felt “pai seh” but still need to wait for another 15 minutes. After 20 minutes, I went there again, the guy immediately pass over the “card key” & upgraded me to deluxe room.
This is proof to me again, this world need to fight for our own right. Else, we will sit there for nothing.
My bags only deliver after I called the front desk; after 20 minutes without any bags deliver to my room. The hotel is considered as 4 or 5 stars hotel but the services were really bad when I check in.
However, the room I had (after scolding) was big & nice; which I am not able to deny.